Monday, December 21, 2009

I can't wait to get off work....

I hate work and I hate you

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jay Duty is over

Just finished up on my first stint on the bench, gave a dude 300K and now I'm back on the block.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The most epic shirt ever, read the reviews, you won't be disappointed

Ocho Cinco protecting your johnson

You Covered

Posted Nov 23, 2009 1:00PM By Ryan Wilson (RSS feed)

In addition to being one of the league's best wide receivers, Chad Ochocinco is also an entrepreneur. The latest proof: during HBO's "Hard Knocks" this summer, he made reference to developing prophylactics. And on Friday he revealed the prototypes via Twitter.

Or, at the very least, the prototype of the box they will be shipped in. Probably goes without saying but just in case: not safe for work image after the jump.

For me, the most offensive thing about the packaging aren't the catchphrases, it's Ochcocinco's grinning mug, complete with Panama Jack hat, staring blankly at would-be users. Nothing sets the mood with your ladyfriend like reaching for a condom and having No. 85 smirking back at you. (Although, to be fair, if you've been reduced to Ochocinco birth control you probably deserve what you get.)

All that's missing is a Travis Henry endorsement.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Cake Walk!

These are some legit cakes that were in this contest in Palm BEach. The one on the right was so detailed

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009


Once a month ain't bad

Ok so I have been quite absent from the space, but I am going to try to get back to dominating the web. I have just been so busy at work that I haven't really had time to fuck off. That all is changing.

So a couple of days ago my boss told me that I sucked as a worker, I was lazy, arrogant, conceited, self centered, sarcastic, a know it all, smug, entitled, overconfident prick. So that kind of sucked since he is also my stepdad. I am still really unsure why he was such a dick, it's not my fault that I am always right, maybe he should step into my shoes and see how hard it is watching people make retarted decisions and statements all day while trying your hardest to not say anything because why should you waste your time with someone who isn't smart enough to understand a little criticism.

So I guess Im back again.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm Baaaack!

A month off, a realization or two, and now I'm back.

What do I mean by a realization or 2.

Well I have finally realized that when Teak gets a girlfriend, he forgets about everyone he used to be friends with. I am over trying to chill with someone who can't ever call you back because they never pick up in the first place. So I am going back to IWS, atleast Ted knows what he is.

Also, I have been quiet, so let the games begin.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Oh yea! how about those conference finals predictions

THey were spot on the Magic won in 6 and the Lakers won in 6.

Magic Win the Eastern Conference!

Well the Magic did it, they overcame the refs, the Kobe-Lebron hype, the Sixers & their 2 buzzer beaters, the Celtics and their 2 buzzer beaters, and the Cavs and Lebron's lucky but still amazing shot. The best thing about this is that Lebron the Lesore LeLoser walked off the court like the baby he is, being the only Cav not to shake anybody's hand, only a tradition that everybody does, especially the stars. The Cavs were only the 3rd team to win over 65 games in the regualar season not to win the Championship. Not only did they not win their conference, they got destroyed by the Magic. Hope you have a great summer watching the Magic and Lakers play. Way to follow through with you guarantee Mo Williams, your a smart one.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


The calls in the Orlando VS. Cle have been insane phantom calls. I am boycotting the NBA if the Magic lose this series and if they win it that will mean they beat the Cavs and the refs.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Conference Finals

Magic over Cavs in 6

Lakers over Nuggets in 6

So my prior predictions were right, my number of games was wrong, but who cares about that.

Magic Top Celtics in 7

10 Things to do when your team gets eliminated from the Playoffs

by controversialcalvin

1. Blame the refs
The refs always determine the outcome of the game. How many times have you remembered the refs making a bad call that affected the game down the line?

2. Hate the team that eliminated your team for at least 5 years
Why? Because that team took your joy, they made you not want to watch nba for the rest of the playoffs, and most importantly, they took away your opportunity to buy your team’s championship tshirt/hat/dvd set. Cavs fans, Laker fans, and Bulls fans are secretly happy to see the Celtics lose this year. Hate the team until they eventually trade all the players that orignally beat your team. Unless you are a Lakers/Celtics fan. Some rivalries never die.

3. Hate the opposing team’s best player for the rest of your life (unless he gets traded to your team)
It’s not fair that your team loses to players like Lebron, Dwight Howard, and Kobe Bryant. Lebron travels all the time, Howard is on steroids, and Kobe is too cocky. Those player’s cheat…unless they end up on your team somehow. Then they can do no wrong.

4. Blame David Stern
We all know he has a matchup he wants to see in the finals, and if you are reading this it probably wasn’t your team. This year’s story is Kobe vs. Lebron.

5. Blame the refs again
Why do they keep messing up so many calls. Dallas fans probably hate everyone who wears black and white right now.

6. Cheer for the next opponent of the team that eliminated your team
It hurts when your team eliminated, but if feels a little better to see the team lose in the next round. All their hopes and dreams will be crushed like yours were.

7. Change favorite teams by jumping on a bandwagon
It never hurts if you cheer for the winners. Just ask Johnny Fairweather.

8. Make bitter comments on message boards
You cant have the other fans be happy when you are down. Point out things like “the Magic have no chance of getting past the Cavs, they are just making their summer vacation shorter” or “the Celtics would have never beat the Lakers last year if Bynum was playing”

9. Act like you knew all along that your team would lose, trying to save some face
If you act like you knew your team was going to lose all along then it makes it harder for others to rub the loss in your face.

10. Blame the refs one more time
Why dont they use instant replay more often? They never call a fair game.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Round 2

Nuggets in 6

Lakers in 6

Cavs in 5

Magic in 6

Fest of the Sun

So Saturday night I went to lamefest to see the Cold War Kids, who were very good live I might add. One thing did piss me off though, they did no encore, not even one song. Anyway the best part about it was that on the complete opposite side (like a mile) was the American Idol guy so that took care of most of the super lame people that might have stumbled in to the show. PLus, there were plenty of girls there who hated there parents.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Smothered under the Covers

For years now John has been smothered under the cover, now he is out and on top This is legit, that is the biggest noseslide out these days. Props to John on the cover of the 4 year anniversary cover of Focus.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Roll Tide!

Got my skate on lastnight

Yesterday I woke up and and put my #45 jersey on and decided to come out of retirement.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The dog and I went to the causeway to enjoy some amazing weather today, too bad it's the last time for about 6 months it will be this nice.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This is not an April fools joke

Teak and Cornealious,
I told you one day I would start to get my blog on.

Ok so I guess I'm a blogger

This is what happens when you get bored at work and you sit in front of a computer. Finally I'm getting my blog on. So I decided to bring you the most anticipated blog of all time, Ryspace is finally here.