Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Smothered under the Covers

For years now John has been smothered under the cover, now he is out and on top This is legit, that is the biggest noseslide out these days. Props to John on the cover of the 4 year anniversary cover of Focus.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Roll Tide!

Got my skate on lastnight

Yesterday I woke up and and put my #45 jersey on and decided to come out of retirement.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The dog and I went to the causeway to enjoy some amazing weather today, too bad it's the last time for about 6 months it will be this nice.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This is not an April fools joke

Teak and Cornealious,
I told you one day I would start to get my blog on.

Ok so I guess I'm a blogger

This is what happens when you get bored at work and you sit in front of a computer. Finally I'm getting my blog on. So I decided to bring you the most anticipated blog of all time, Ryspace is finally here.